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PRECIOUS CHILD OF GOD - Calvary Christian School has been nothing short of a miracle for our daughter.  Not only is she finally receiving the necessary academic support, she is also learning that she is a precious child of God.  The staff are so genuinely loving, encouraging, and affirming of the students, that we know our daughter's academic and spirtual growth are in good hands ... indeed, in God's hands.


ACADEMIC REPUTATION - When I had decided which school to send my children to, Calvary was the only option I considered seriously.  The teachers and staff care so much for the kids that I knew my kids would always be safe and loved.  The academic reputation and religious curriculum were also strong factors in my decision.  We have been so happy with the school for the last 8 years.  I am more thankful for this school and the dedicated staff than I can say!


CONSTANT COMMUNICATION - [We chose Calvary Christian School because of] the fact that every aspect of education has been woven through with our faith perspective and that when I drop the girls off, Ms. Martens knows every child and greets them personally.  I love how the spiritual health curriculum is faith based.  The constant communication between school and home is so involved and open.  The love of the Lord, the teachers have, is so evident and flows from their words.


FAMILIES ARE SUPPORTED - Calvary Christian School has been an anchor of peace and joy during the storms of life our family has faced.  The love of Christ poured out at CCS has shaped our children in eternal ways.  We thank God for the gift of CCS to our family.


CARING STAFF - Our family noticed, in our first year at Calvary, a drastic difference between the care our kids were given and the supervision they had been receiving in the public system.  The care and attention the teachers pour into and onto our children has resulted in better attitudes toward school, a boost in self-esteem, and confidence and better well-being in general.  Our son has been wearing new glasses for only a few weeks now to correct a vision issue he has dealt with for years.  It was discovered because his teacher was invested in him and cared about him.  This is only one of many examples of the care and love our kids receive daily; one of the more impactful and significant examples that needs to be shared!


GOD'S TRUTH PROCLAIMED - We are blessed to have Calvary Christian School in our lives.  The heartbeat of the school is that God's truth be proclaimed and His love be shown.  We have so appreciated the careful way in which the school's policies, procedures, practices, and people are selected to align with these values.  The staff truly give their all to make education fun, stimulating, inclusive, and most importantly, Christ-centred.  We couldn't ask for a more positive experience.


PARTNERING WITH PARENTS - We have been blown away by the amazing care and concern as well as teaching provided to our daughter.  We truly feel as if Calvary has partnered with us in our child's education, but more importantly in directing her to Christ.  We are amazed at how Calvary can provide such a high quality academic education while also making character growth a huge emphasis.  We could not be happier with our decision to send our daughter to Calvary.


HOME SCHOOL OPTION - We chose Calvary Christian School because of the half-time enrollment option for home schoolers.  We were looking for social opportunities for our daughter, as well as academic support.  We were very impressed with CCS's approach to character building and bullying prevention as well.  CCS's tuition was also very reasonable as compared with other private Christian schools in the region.  We are very pleased with our choice; our daughter loves school and comes home with a smile on her face every day.  She is always eager to tell me about something new that she learned or experienced at CCS.  Her teacher has done a wonderful job of making her feel welcome!  Our daughter has made new friends and feels at home at CCS.  Knowing how our daughter has struggled with anxiety in the past and how much she has enjoyed her first year at school in Grade 3, speaks volumes about CCS.  We are very pleased and a year ago we would have never imagined she would be enjoying school this much!  Thank you Mr. Wickens and staff at CCS!


DEVELOPING GOOD CHARACTER AND ATTITUDE - Calvary has impacted my family by training my son to be an amazing child who focuses on God's love and developing a good character and attitude.  His conduct and ways and the teachers' comments have also helped us as parents in training him in God's ways.  We chose Calvary because we were confident that there would be no compromise in regards to teaching our son the Word of God and training him in the way of the Lord just like we do at home.  Our family has been blessed by seeing our child advance in the love of God and develop a godly character and attitude.  Academically, our son is doing great, beyond our expectations and spiritually he is growing.  We see him pray fervently and have great interest in the scriptures and things of God.  The strengths of CCS are academic excellence, no compromise in God's Word and God and godly training.  Calvary has been a great blessing - all the teachers are amazing and are genuinely interested in the academic growth and spiritual growth of the child.  They also really care and treat everyone like family.

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