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Registration and Fees




















































Student Qualification


Students applying to Calvary Christian School will be admitted on the condition that they are capable of maintaining standards as set forth by the school.  Admission privilege rests with the administration of the School.  Students and parent/guardians alike must understand that it is a privilege for the student to attend Calvary Christian School.  Students and parent/guardians must be willing to conform to the standards and philosophy of the school.  Failure to continue in right attitude or conduct will constitute grounds for dismissal.




Parents wishing to enrol their children should complete a registration form available from the school office.  The principal and the teachers will review all applications. The school welcomes the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns parents may have.




Fundraising is an important part of our school budget. Fundraising enables us to purchase equipment and items for the school. Family participation is expected so it is fair and equitable. The school offers a “limited participation payment”.  This payment is a donation to the school that covers a of a family’s portion of the fundraising budget. This can be discussed with the administration.




Calvary Christian School is a non-profit registered charitable organization.  All money donations are fully receiptable.  Receipts can also be given for “gifts in kind.” i.e. if an item is donated to the school the value of the item is receiptable.  Note: a fair value must be allocated to used items.  The school board/administration reserves the right to review all donations and accept or reject them at its discretion.

We issue childcare receipts for the full tuition amount of children under the age of six, (primarily kindergarten students.) 

We issue receipts for the religious portion of our instruction based on the tuition fee minus secular cost per student.



September 2022 to June 2023




Enrollment Policy


  1. A forty percent (40%) discount is available to any pastor or individual in full time ministry.   To qualify you must complete a ministry discount application form, available through the school office, to be considered for this discount.

* Definition of full-time ministry - Sole source of income is from church and/or faith support. (Note: Exceptions may be made on an individual basis based on the application submitted.)

  1. A two percent (2%) discount is available when tuition is received in full before the first day of school.

  2. Families can only receive one discount and cannot be combined.

  3. The entire amount of the tuition will be required in postdated cheques dated for the first of each month and made payable to Calvary Christian School. Payments may be received in ten-month payments.  Ten-month payment year starts September 1, 20XX and ends June 30, 20XX. (N.S.F. cheques may be charged with a $25 administration fee.) The principal/administrator will consider all exceptions to this plan.

  4. A non-refundable registration fee of $200 is payable for the initial registration only and will be applied towards tuition.

  5. Extra supplies may be required by individual teachers to be purchased by the student.

  6. A policy is in place for dealing with tuition in arrears.  Families may be charged prime plus two percent (prime + 2%) for all balances in arrears for periods greater than 30 days.  Tuition in arrears exceeding three months may result in withdrawal of the student from the school.

  7. Notice of Leaving or Change of Program: Parents are required to contact administration to discuss the situation.  Parents are required to give written notice, of change or withdrawal of a student from the school, two weeks prior to the actual date of leaving or changing programs.

  8. Tuition refunds are issued by term only. Once a term is started, it is not refundable. Tuition, paid in full at the beginning of the year, will be refunded based on this policy. For tuition paid by post-dated cheques, the school will return the appropriate funds based on this policy. (Note: If 2 weeks’ notice is not given, that tuition must be paid as well.)

  9. An activity fund is required for each student at the commencement of the year in the amount of $50. This fund is used on an on-going basis to cover pizza days, skating days, field trip, etc. Additional deposits to the fund may be required throughout the year.

  10. If Before and After School Supervision is required, an amount of $50.00 per student is required at the commencement of the year, for the Before and After School Fund.  Additional deposits to this fund may be required throughout the year.

  11. A registration fee of $100 is payable for the home school program. It is non-refundable. 


© 2014 by Calvary Christian School

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